
Lumiplan winner of the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA3) in Pays de la Loire

As a territorial extension of the Programme d’investissements d’avenir, the PIA3 aims to strengthen the competitiveness of strategic sectors. This scheme, launched in early 2018, took the form of a call for projects to support the transformation and structuring of sectors by contributing to the financing of shared production resources or research infrastructures, technical skills, shared collaborative tools, etc. Lumiplan responded to the call for projects on strand 1: support for innovation projects as part of its Se@ting / Tr@cking R&D programme.

The announcement of the results took place on Tuesday 2 October 2018 at our headquarters in the presence of the President of the Pays de la Loire Regional Council and the Regional Prefect. We are proud that Lumiplan is one of the 3 winners.

Voir l’article du Ouest France


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